Tag: Deadlifts

WOD for 19 November 2013


Pull-ups and Ring Dips 3-3-3-3-3 (Weighted)


5 Rounds for Time:

30 Double unders
10 Deadlifts
15 Double Unders
5 Deadlifts

A: 70kg/100kg
B: 35kg/60kg
C: 100kg/140kg


WOD 17 September 2013

Strength & Technique Overhead Squat WOD 12 Min AMRAP: 5 Push press 5 Deadlifts 50 Double unders A: 35kg/50kg B: 25kg/40kg C: 45kg/70kg Mobility & Injury prevention Shoulders Read more →

WOD 12 September 2013

Strength Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 WOD 5 Rounds for Time: 10 Sit-ups 10 x 10m Shuttle Runs 10 Medicine Ball Cleans Mobility Shoulder Rehab Mobility for the squat position Read more →

WOD 19 August 2013

Strength: Back Squat 5-5-5-5 And the very first WOD going down at CrossFit Red X is… 21-15-9 Deadlifts & Burpees A: 70kg/100kg over the bar burpees B: 35kg/60kg normal burpees C: 95kg/140kg over the bar burpees Mobility: Shoulder Rehab & Stretching Read more →